What To Expect On Your First Visit

On arrival at Bridgepoint Chiropractic for your assessment, you will be asked to complete intake paperwork so we gain an understanding of the purpose of your visit with us. The paperwork is very important, as it is the first step in determining the cause of your discomfort and any specific needs you may have.
Next, you will be escorted into a treatment room where your chiropractor will take a detailed history of your condition, as well as a general health history to gain an understanding of your overall health. The history is followed by a detailed physical examination of the area of complaint, along with other areas of the body that may contribute to your condition. We recommend that you wear loose or stretchy clothing to allow for proper examination. Depending on the area of focus, some patients may be required to wear shorts or a gown for their examination. If this is a concern, please let us know. We will do our best to ensure your comfort.
Once the physical exam is complete, your chiropractor will guide you through a report of findings and informed consent. These documents are important and mandatory by law. They ensure that you are aware of the findings of your assessment and any risks that may be associated with your treatment. Now that you understand the cause of your discomfort and how we can help you, you may elect to continue treatment with us or seek alternative care with another health care provider. We will do our best to help you find the most appropriate care for your condition.
If you decide you would like to continue as our patient, you will receive your first treatment. Treatment may vary depending on the nature of your complaint, but will typically involve adjustments, soft tissue therapy, modalities and exercises.
Once your treatment is finished, we will make an appointment to see you again. The time between treatments varies with each individual, but ultimately, we aim to reduce the frequency of your visits so that you can function normally with minimal care.
Once you have returned to your old self, you may wish to continue receiving care to prevent any recurrence. Receiving a treatment once every 4-6 weeks will ensure that you remain at your best. It also allows us to catch any problems before they get worse.